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The Golden Age

Artist: Andrea Castaneda Castro

Based in Woodbridge, Virginia, USA

The golden age is a collection that expresses the deepest emotions of the being, and is dedicated to contemplating the soul of those who have lost faith. I often used colors and gold leaf on my paintings which shine and vibrate bright with intensity, I wanted to make this a bright, full collection of paintings that are very detailed, flowery, and shine in order to create a vibrating energy for those souls that feel lost, alone or unknown.

I'm often inspired by senior citizens because of their wisdom, compassion, and love. Through their experiences in life, they have managed to establish better priorities. They are people from whom you can ask for advice. They are very patient, tolerant, and merciful.

I characterize myself as being a sensitive person and like any artist, my feelings are on the surface. I reach out to many others in this world through thoughtful and beautiful paintings of birds and animals in their natural habitat. I hope these paintings will encourage others to appreciate and protect all living beings.

Earth - Andrea Castaneda Art.jpg


Galería Hanbell


Freedom - Andrea Castaneda Art.jpg
Renaissance_ - Andrea Castaneda Art.jpg
Love - Andrea Castaneda Art.jpg
Under_Water - Andrea Castaneda Art.jpg




SNOW WHITE - Andrea Castaneda Art.jpg


Revolution_ - Andrea Castaneda Art.jpg


Awakening_ - Andrea Castaneda Art.jpg


Under Water

Mermaid - Andrea Castaneda Art.jpg


Immigrant - Andrea Castaneda Art.jpg


Sobre el


1593469414872 - Andrea Castaneda Art.jpeg

Artista: Susanne Tabet

Con sede en Virginia, EE. UU.

Instagram: @

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Susanne Tabet es una pintora abstracta contemporánea alemana que vive y trabaja en Falls Church, Virginia. Autodidacta, comenzó a pintar cuando tenía poco más de veinte años cuando una visita a la Tate Modern de Londres encendió su deseo de reproducir los distintos retratos abstractos femeninos de Amedeo Modigliani. Continuó estudiando y explorando las obras de otros grandes maestros en el ámbito del expresionismo abstracto y, a lo largo de los años, desarrolló y desarrolló sus habilidades y su estilo personal distintivo. Su enfoque permanece en la forma femenina a la que da vida con colores contrastantes y pinceladas atrevidas y enérgicas. Sus retratos rebosan fuerza y vulnerabilidad. En opinión de Susanne Tabet, un reflejo de la complejidad, la belleza y el poder de una mujer.

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