Lets face it, we all have experienced one of the problems you will read in this article when it comes to art. Here are some tips on how to solve them!
1. Time
Do you end up taking too long on your art, and end up not having enough time to finish it? Try to set and alarm and finish your art in that specific amount of time. Bonus activity: do the same painting under different time restraints such as 10 min, 30 min, and an hour. Then you can see how your art differs!
2. Perfectionism
A lot of people, including me, struggle with this a lot in our art. We beat ourselves up about the tiniest mistakes, and feel like whatever we paint isn’t enough. Try to accept your mistakes and learn to love them and your art! Challenge yourself to not overthink a small mistake, or over analyze your art. Be proud of what you create!
3. Finding Your Own Unique Style
Everyone struggles with finding their own unique art style! Practice your art, and try to find a pattern in it and play into that. That helps you recognize your artistic style! Also, find themes you like and apply them into your art. If you're into more fantasy, whimsical art, apply that to your own to create your style and put your own creative spin on it!
Hope these articles helped! Just remember, no matter how hard it gets its all worth it in the end when you have your masterpiece!
Very helpful post! Thank you for the tips😊😊