Current Exhibitions > Milostka Center for Exhibitions > Out of Wounds

Featuring 22 Artists From Around the World
Art Uncovering Gender Violence
Art Uncovering Gender Violence
Featured Artists:
Cécile André, Einat Lev Ari, Dea Azalia, Yelena Beliaev, Joanna Chase-Mattillo, Ana Lucía Cuevas, Roghayyeh Feizi Khankandi, Annaleah Gregoire, Geneva Hutchinson, Vilma Leino, Rocio Martinez, Keely McLavin, Joy Miss Ulrich, Anya Naumovic, Olga Nikiforova, Catherine Suleiman, Candice Tavares, Dia Thomas, Joaquin Torres-Morales, Matina Voseou, Yuanyuan Wang, Ally Zlatar
July 1st, 2022 - August 12th, 2022
Gender violence is a direct correlation to gender inequality; a social issue deriving from gender norms, and distinctions or assumptions made on biology. Even if we recognize the profuse progress that women have achieved in the last decades, we still face multiple concerns associated with the sexualization, objectification, and domain of the female body by the patriarchal system. Violence, abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, are still part of womens lives. In fact, as Simone de Beauvoir pointed out “it only takes a political, economic or religious crisis for women's rights to be called into question. These rights can never be taken for granted. You must remain vigilant throughout your life."
“Out of Wounds: Art Uncovering Gender Violence,” was developed as platform to allow those who have, or have known someone who has experienced gender violence, to artistically express themselves and their views.
Emma McMullin, Director of Curatorial Affairs; Rocio Montiel, Chief Curator; Ana Catarina Bizarro, Senior Curator; Danielle White, Apprentice Curator; Antonia Chela, Apprentice Curator.
Corporate Giving: To sponsor "Out of Wounds" via a personalized corporate, foundation, or individual sponsorship package, please visit
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