Hanbell Gallery
Let There Be Light Vo. 2
Author: Ris V. Rose
Instagram: @risvrosepoetry
Based in Ontario, Canada
A sample of poems from my fourth collection, "Let There Be Light". This collection uses the many different definitions and forms of light as metaphors to explore the pursuit of happiness.

Red Light
And for just one moment,
The numbers appeared to move backwards
And the tires shifted into reverse
And I could forget about everything I was
And everything I wish I wasn’t
And there was no such thing as perfect,
No limits,
No deadlines—
There were only:
The ringing in my ears
To block out the sound
Of the cynic,
And the music
That filled up
As much as it could
Of the emptiness in my heart,
And though the specifics of tonight
Will be a blur,
I will wake up tomorrow
And the stamp on my wrist will still be there.
February 2019

The Girl Who Became a Bird
And she fell
And she fell
And she fell
Until she hit the ground
With a loud crack
And split open,
And out of the shell that was once her body
Burst a small bird
That flew high into the sky,
Straight into the sun,
And then she fell
She fell
She fell,
Opened her wings,
And began to soar instead.
She felt no pain.
March 2019

about the
Ris V. Rose is a twenty-two-year-old Canadian poet and fiction writer, and a recent undergraduate from the University of Toronto. An avid daydreamer, Ris often allows her mind to drift off in order to work through her emotions and experiences and turn them into poetry. She is currently working through her fifth poetry collection, called "Landscape," and a fantasy novel. She also loves to read, sing, play the piano, and learn about outer space and the environment.