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I work as art-educator with children and teenagers, I try to paint in my freetime.
Artist: Blu
Based in Frankfurt, Germany
Culturally Arts Collective features:
"Beyond the Veil", May 29-July 30 2021, Milostka Center for Exhibitions
What do you aim to say by the themes in your art?
I think my artworks speak for themselves. Every piece is up to interpretation and everyone sees, what they want to see.
Where does your inspiration come from?
I have created this piece during a 5-days-workshop about mischtechnik. I wanted to paint hands, because its a meaningful theme for me at the moment. So I had this idea of hands, which contain water. As I was painting, the water became the universe and everything else fell into place.
Do you have experiences that impacted your art?
I have always been interested in art and painting. Actually my psychedelic experiences (with and without the help of substances) made me see and feel things, which I never thought were possible.
Do you feel your art challenges existing barriers?
Sometimes yes, sometimes not. I see myself as part of the Visionary art community and creating surreal visions is nothing extraordinary in this bubble, although for example I have tried to show different kinds of motifs beyond gender, whiteness and thinness.
What are your long-term artistic goals?
In the future I would like to make a small income with my art for example by selling postcards and posters, that would be super nice. But my bigger dream is to paint at (psy-trance) festivals and to hold workshops for „intuitive painting“ there.
What advice do you have for aspiring artists?
Do it for yourself. Dont compare. Practice.
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