Galería Hanbell
Galería Hanbell
Galería Hanbell
Galería Hanbell
Galería Hanbell
James Cowden
James Cowden
Based in Sydney
Instagram @oilyragstudio
Where does your inspiration come from?
I find inspiration in the smallest of things; it can be a texture or color a small detail in something. I like to experiment with mediums and often you stumble onto something you can use later on.
While working on one project I will often get ideas from that for another.
When did you begin your artist journey?
I have always been artistic for as long as I can remember, as a kid I would see art or objects and appreciate it even then at a young age. I would draw constantly, but I keep getting drawn to 3 dimensional objects. I have an engineering background, so I see things finished in my head and I work back from there, over the last 20 years I have created sculptures for outside my own home. All this time I was honing what it is that I do.
Do you have experiences that impacted your art?
I think my engineering background has definitely had a big influence in how I approach my projects. I like that industrial feel about what I do, the rawness of the materials, I don't want to hide everything, I like the honesty in how it looks. I put a lot of thought into the internals can be accessed to replace an LED strip if it fails, all this has to be thought through.
Do you feel your art challenges existing barriers?
Yes I think it does, I rarely see anyone else doing what I am doing.
What do you aim to say by the themes in your art?
My themes are eclectic. Themes for me are a snapshot of anything of interest, not just to me but to others, it can be another artist like Mondrian or a period in motorsport history, I research and build those features into what I do and anyone who knows that history or subject gets something from it.
How would you describe your creative process?
I may have a theme or subject that I need to work to so that also has to work into your materials, colour, size and ratios and scale, I will sketch over and over till I think I am in the right place.
What are your long-term artistic goals?
I came to a decision 12 months ago that before I leave this earth, I am going to do something that I am passionate about. I feel what I do is of high quality, and I am not going to sit on my hands and watch the years go by.
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