Galería Hanbell
Between Realities
Artist: Sargis Hovhannisyan
Based in Gyumri, Armenia
"The connection between art and reality has always been one of the most widely discussed topics in history. The fact is that the work of art seems to have a somewhat illusory image, but it can merge into a person's lifestyle and even become the basis of an ontology. Art is not a direct copy of reality, but by involving the artist's imagination, it contributes to the formation of a vision of modern thinking. Thanks to imagination, new perceptions of the artist-researcher-society connection in today's commercialized reality provide an opportunity to confront art and the socio-politicized modern world through different artistic linguistic thinking. Through art, it is possible to create such a dialogue between the art-observer that the observer can turn into a listener and HEAR what he has seen. The listener-observer, immersing in the work of art, becomes its continuation, breaking away from the context of the real world, thus trying to approach the state of ignoring the real world accepted by many, to break away from it for a moment in order to be able to create a new reality in the trivial reality through his independent creative act. Abstract art allows you to understand the different layers of your own senses, to realize who you are, what you really want, and thus to convey the aesthetics of the ideological basis of my art, which allows the confrontation of art-man-nature-reality categories, where the bearer of time is the MAN, in life sentences that are understandable to him, which are built after the rules of the logic of words, where the concept of intensive knowledge arises. At the core of abstract art is the visualization of the inner depth of the formulations of words, symbolizing reality outside of reality, and the art process presented in this project is an uninterrupted path aimed at collecting new words in order to fix a truly visible reality for the broad strata of society." Sargis Hovhannisyan
Series of METAverse
Series of Between Realities
Series of METAverse
Series of Between Realities
Series of Between Realities
Series of Between Realities
Series of Between Realities
Sobre el
Artista: Susanne Tabet
Con sede en Virginia, EE. UU.
Instagram: @
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Susanne Tabet es una pintora abstracta contemporánea alemana que vive y trabaja en Falls Church, Virginia. Autodidacta, comenzó a pintar cuando tenía poco más de veinte años cuando una visita a la Tate Modern de Londres encendió su deseo de reproducir los distintos retratos abstractos femeninos de Amedeo Modigliani. Continuó estudiando y explorando las obras de otros grandes maestros en el ámbito del expresionismo abstracto y, a lo largo de los años, desarrolló y desarrolló sus habilidades y su estilo personal distintivo. Su enfoque permanece en la forma femenina a la que da vida con colores contrastantes y pinceladas atrevidas y enérgicas. Sus retratos rebosan fuerza y vulnerabilidad. En opinión de Susanne Tabet, un reflejo de la complejidad, la belleza y el poder de una mujer.